vrijdag 22 november 2013

Deauty Box November - Spoiler Alert! :-)

YESSSHHHH!!! I just received my Deauty box of November at work! A nice start of the day, right?

So here comes a spoiler of the content!

Bee Nature - Soap with honey - 42g - (Full size: 100g, €5.50)
Jean Marin - Professional Strip Lashes + strip lash adhesive - full size (lashes: €8.95-9.95 and lash adhesive: €9.35)
Rainpharma - face cream - full size (€35.95)
Elissance -Lipgloss "Attirance" - full size (€14.85)
More detailed information, pictures and reviews will follow later!
Are you excited about your Deauty box? :-)
Enjoy your weekend! xxx

donderdag 14 november 2013

Eucerin - Hand cream pH5

In one of the previous Deauty boxes was a sample size of the Eucerin hand cream. This week I decided to try it out.

The hand cream is actually a little difficult to squeeze out... you have to squeeze a bit harder as the consistency of the cream is different than a normal hand cream. The cream has a firmer consistency, as you can see on below picture:
Other hand creams usually go a little flat out of the tube, this one remains a 'worm' :)
Applying goes very smooth, with the warmth of my hands it melts and spreads out very easily.
It moisterizes my hands very well, but leave a greasy layer behind. I don't really like the greasy layer, because it prevents me from picking up something or using my phone/ipad.
The smell is not specifically strong nor really scented, I guess it just has the typicall Eucerin-scent....
I'm not particularly fond of this product but I do believe that Eucering is a very good brand for people with sensitive skin.